Take Control Of Your BEE Score

Our B-BBEE Management Solution puts the power in the hands of the user, giving the companies the tools they need to improve and create true transformation in the South African business landscape.

Our B-BBEE Management Solution

Our solutionwalks the line between complex and simple to use. Not wanting to strip back any of the functions for our resourceful users we have provided them with a tool that deals with the complexities of the BEE legislation allowing them to gain an in-depth understanding of where their company stands. This is wrapped in a simple user interface split into the subsections of the required elements of the BBBEE scorecard

A Simple UI

However, we do not wish to leave your specialists and consultants fumbling in the dark, so our developers have strived to wrap our calculators in a simple, easily navigable UI, employing many graphs to inform users of performance at a glance. For this reason we have built our calculators in excel, using macros and coding visuals so your calculator is simple and comprehensible. Our software provides worksheet pages that can be attached to reports, it it also allows you to make use of comparison exercises.We also offer VerifyPack, a SANAS R47-03 verification and process manager. All our products work on the assumption that initial client data is high level and that the assignment will result in a growing level of detail converging on a final accurate data set.

Highly Accurate Software

Most importantly, our calculators are accurate. They are trusted by nearly 20% of all Rating agencies, and used every day, providing us with a wide range of user feedback. When legislation is updated our optimised processes allow for us to implement the new legislation and update our calculators within days, ahead of our competition.